Einladung zur Staff week in Strasbourg vom 9. bis 13. Oktober 2023 – Informationen des Eucor European Campus
Diese Information dürfte insbesondere für Bibliothekar*innen und Datenbankmanger*innen interessant zu sein.
The Eucor Secretariat would like to inform you that the University of Strasbourg is organising a staff week from Monday 9 October to Friday 13 October 2023 on the topic of research data. Information specialists from Eucor member universities (librarians, data librarians, members of research services) are very welcome to participate in this taff week. For more information on the staff week: Staff week : Overview of research data in France | IMOTION (staffmobility.eu). Do not hesitate to share this information in your institution.
The detailed programme of staff week will be available online soon.