Labor law
The collective labor law regulates the relationship between the employer and employee representatives such as the Staff Council. The basis for the activities of the Staff Council as a representative of interests is the Landespersonalvertretungsgesetz (LPVG - state staff representation act)) of Baden-Württemberg. The general tasks, participation rights and the election of the Staff Council are regulated here.
The Staff Council of the University of Freiburg is responsible for all employees who are integrated into the work organization by instructions, including those employed for their professional training.
Individual labor law, on the other hand, generally deals with working conditions such as working hours and dismissal protection.
You can find important laws relating to labor law on the right below the heading „Laws, Ordinances, Regulations, Rules“ (the laws are only available in German).
- Topics
- Abmahnung
- Altersteilzeit
- Arbeitgeber
- Arbeitsbefreiung
- Arbeitsvertrag
- Arbeitszeit
- Arbeitszeugnis
- Auflösungsvertrag
- Ausschlussfrist
- Befristeter Arbeitsvertrag
- Befristung
- Beihilfe
- Bildungsurlaub
- Dienstreisen
- Dienstvereinbarungen
- Gesetz über die Anpassung von Dienst- und Versorgungsbezügen in Baden-Württemberg 2022 und zur Änderung dienstrechtlicher Vorschriften (BVAnp-ÄG 2022)
- Kündigung
- Nebentätigkeit
- Pausen
- Personalakte
- Praktikum
- Probezeit
- Rechtschutz
- Rente
- Sabbatjahr
- Schichtarbeit
- Silvester / Heiligabend
- Sonderformen der Arbeit
- Sonderurlaub
- Streikrecht